Daily Sagittarius Horoscope December 19 (19/12)


Now 22 − Dec 21

Alias: Alias: The Archer

December 19


daily sagittarius horoscope:

summary sagittarius daily

Star 7/10

Saturns influence in your sign has likely manifested in one of several ways but likelihood exists that one situation or possibly a person represents an unhelpful restriction. You yearn for freedom that doesnt seem to be forthcoming in the light of constant duties or obligations youre having to fulfil. As much as you might feel beholden, inferior or even subservient, the cosmos is working to bring a bit of relief to your world. A particular conversation could be the catalyst for this.


summary sagittarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

Going it alone is an option but are two heads not better than one? Do many hands not make light work? As keen as you might be to achieve or accomplish something singlehandedly, you could find yourself considering more closely the benefits to working in tandem with someone else. You neednt be concerned theyll divert too much attention from your efforts. Its by combining effort and talents that you and a certain person can achieve something impressive.


summary sagittarius weekly

Star 7/10

Developments this week could have a significant effect on your confidence. Much depends on how willing you are to accept a certain Wolf isnt knocking on your door demanding more than you believe you can give financially. Much also depends on how willing you are to accept a pessimistic outcome you believe to be the most likely in an area of your world could be the least likely. In both areas, youre being given a chance to relax. Seize it in the belief its real.


summary sagittarius monthly

Star 9/10

Venus brings harmony and comfort to discussions, so if youve experienced tension in certain exchanges, these could become noticeably sweeter. The Full Moon in your relationship sector could be the catalyst for more improvements to your closest relationships - or a delightful result where anything of a contractual nature is concerned. Retrograde Mercury in your earnings sector could bring revelations about income and expenditure, so be prepared to adjust your budget!


health sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

The celestial atmosphere today can make you highly sensitive. You are used to attention in its varying forms, but you are not always especially sensitive to it. To counteract the reactions that may catch you off guard, be aware of your diet today. Do not skip meals. Eat balanced, nutritious meals that respect your taste buds and your internal organs. Plenty of water will help keep you grounded. Stay away from processed sugar. Avoid snacking or other unconscious behaviors.


health sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

Treat your body with a little extra TLC today. The celestial energy implies that your joints particularly need the support of good long stretches and deep massage. Taking in a yoga class would be especially beneficial. Also, anything you can do to bring heat and warmth into your life is recommended. You can try meditating and see if you can make it to an exotic tropical island in your mind!


health sagittarius weekly

Star 8/10

The cosmos may bring up many emotions that put you in a more vulnerable position. Dont try to rationalize away your feelings. Work with them before they have a chance to affect your body. This period could be intense and leave you feeling drained unless you deal with the source of the matter. Keep up your strength by looking after yourself.


health sagittarius monthly

Star 9/10

As Venus, your health planet, glides into your sector of information, the weeks ahead could see you digesting some useful knowledge. What you take in now could color the month with new ideas and philosophies. Bearing this in mind, view this time as a chance to experiment with diet, exercise, and ways to bring a harmonious and balanced feel to your daily schedule. Make time to cook nutritious meals that boost your system and give it extra stamina for all the socializing you may be doing. If you find the perfect combination and it feel intuitively right, run with it.


love sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

Certain conflicts may be a cause for concern between you and a loved one right now. The alignment of the planets may be bringing to the surface certain irritations about the amount of time each of you spend at home, as opposed to time spent working overtime. As usual, honest discussion is the only way toward a progressive and workable solution. Dont suffer in silence - this will only make the situation worse.


love sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

The astral influences encourage you to consider new ways of relating. If you have always found yourself attracted to a certain kind of person, and are currently in that in-between phase as far as relationships are concerned, then dont rush too quickly into the next one. It would help you to experiment, and just enjoy getting to know others on a friendly basis before committing yourself.


love sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

Talk over all your romantic options with a friend before you take the plunge. You do have a lot of choices right now, which is nice, but it also makes it easier to choose the wrong thing. Someone new appears over the weekend and you can get quite caught up in the newness and excitement of his or her presence. Theres nothing wrong with fun and spontaneity, but draw the line at irresponsibility.


love sagittarius monthly

Star 8/10

You lack the confidence to really go for what you want during the Sun/Saturn meetup in your sign on December 10. Dont try to move to the next level if you find yourself second-guessing your romantic decisions. The fiery Saturn/Uranus trine helps boost your confidence on December 24, and you gain a lot of perspective on past issues. Decemberbe now you can let go of the torch youve been carrying for an ex. A New Moon in serious Capricorn on December 26 lays all of your romantic issues out on the table and urges you to prioritize them. First things first.


career sagittarius daily

Star 7/10

Do not make your next big career move until you have taken the time to look back and reflect on where you have been and what you have done. Review the mistakes you have made - both short-term and long-term so that you dont make these mistakes again.


career sagittarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

As much as you may want to charge ahead today, you are better off slowing down. Use this day to plan - not necessarily to act. Demonstrate to the people in your workplace that you are not going to make another move before you are on solid ground.


career sagittarius weekly

Star 8/10

Take the time to reorganize your workspace. This will help you feel more in control. This period is ideal for any grand opening or promotional event. Its especially important to take the high ground in any conflict with a co-worker or client. Be the better person. Life isnt always fair. If someone on the job is getting to you, its time to reassess your situation. Constructive change is possible.


career sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

A fruitful partnership will come to a successful close toward midmonth. This is cause for celebration. Youve enjoyed working with a professional who always managed to make you laugh, even during difficult times. Make sure to express your appreciation. This will pave the way for future dealings. You could attract a great new moneymaking opportunity as December 26 draws near. Any endeavor related to real estate, manufacturing, or accounting will prove very successful. Someone might also offer you a lucrative position at a prestigious company. What a great way to ring in the new year!



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